Tag: Banana

Breakfast, Cakes, Vegan

Nutella Swirled Roasted Banana Bread

Doesn’t that sound amazing! Nutella and banana are some of my favorite flavors to combine. My search for the best banana bread has fallen into staggeringly silly territory. Involving me staying up late at night contemplating on optimum banana ripeness or whether I should top my bread with crumble. If there’s anything I’ve learned from […]

Frozen, Vegan

Ginger Cookie Banana Nice Cream Sandwiches

Currently typing up this post with one hand since I accidentally burnt my other one pouring boiling water. I know. Silly me! Thankfully, the burn is not too severe and google articles came to the rescue. Meanwhile, I’m glad that today’s recipe involves something frosty making it all the much easier for my hand to […]

Breads, Vegan

Banana Brioche Babka with Chocolate Hazelnut

Hi there! I’ve been in a pensive mood lately and not sure exactly why. I just came from watching the Minimalism documentary on Netflix and it really opens your eyes to the way values have changed over the years. It’s even more alarming when you realize that you see and experience these changes all around […]